Welcome to LESD Online Academy
We are the home of the Digital Dust Devils! Our online program offers a blended model of whole group, small group, and independent learning opportunities. We are proud to have live, highly-qualified teachers for all of our instruction. Teachers are trained in the best practices of online learning. The Online Academy services 4th through 8th grade students seeking a more flexible pathway than traditional methods of learning.
A Message from LESD Online
Welcome to the Littleton Elementary School District (LESD) Online Academy! We are committed to supporting the optimal development and learning of our virtual learning community. By empowering our teachers, students, and families, together, we close gaps and extend learning through innovative project-based learning experiences.
We are different at LESD Online Academy! Our certified teachers facilitate live, engaging lessons and activities from 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. daily. Students have open access to researched based programming “Beyond the Bell” to support individual success (including DreamBox – an intuitive math program closing gaps in learning). At LESD Online Academy, every student is provided a district issued Chromebook (with touchscreen) as well as curriculum resources to support high level virtual learning at home.
LESD Online Academy families are welcome to join events and activities at any one of our eight academy campuses. Our students are encouraged to join extracurricular activities, at their academy of choice, including student council, National Junior honor Society, MESA Club, and of course, sports beginning in 6th grade.
All of us at LESD Online Academy have high expectations of ourselves, our students, and our families. We are dedicated to building and fostering trusting relationships, with parents and families, to create the strong partnerships necessary to support students in meeting their learning goals and life-long success!
Please reach out to us with any questions. We hold weekly orientation sessions at the Littleton School District Office for new and interested families. We look forward to serving your family educational needs.
Yours in Learning, Caring, and Growing,
Ann Catlin
Ms. Ann M. Catlin, MAED
LESD Online Academy Administrator & Treasure Hunter